A paper entitled “Reactive transport modelling of mud filtrate invasion during drilling and application to mud contamination corrections on formation water analyses” has been accepted for oral presentation at the Oilfield Chemistry Symposium, Geilo, Norway, 22- 25 March 2015. The paper will be presented by Ross McCartney (Oilfield Water Services Limited) and will be co-authored by Henriette Dorthea Aarrestad, Siv Kari Lien, Kari Ramstad, Øystein Sæther, and Rita Iren Johnsen (all Statoil ASA). View the abstract here.

Our Services
Acquisition of Formation Water Samples and Analyses

Services Beneficial to Scale Management

- Scale predictions
- Interpretation of produced water analyses
- Geochemical and reactive transport modelling
- Quantifying the effect of reservoir reactions on produced water scaling risks
- Identification and quantification of injection water breakthrough
- Identifying and interpreting spatial variation of formation water compositions
- Water allocation
Services Beneficial to Reservoir Management